This is not a complete game!

It was made for day 4 of the first pass the game jam

Variant Map:

Day 1: 101H2O

Day 2: alphaom34

Day 3: AlexdV

| Day 4, Variant 1: BetaFruit <-- You are here

| Day 4, Variant 2: Splatgamer

> | Day 5 Variant 2.1 frozenight

| Day 4, Variant 3: Bum's

> | Day 5, Variant 3.1 SneakyCat18

> > | Day 6, Variant 3.1.1 4Daniel9

> > | Day 6, Variant 3.1.2 Babushka Games


Stand correction, new level, checkpoints with fancy particles, better groundcheck, no air-jump areas, no jump-refill platforms, moving platforms, camera supports siderooms / going left or right out of the main area, less computationally expensive walls/background, and tonight's special... my bad code that doesn't work properly!


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Great job! Good expansion :)